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Full Train-a retainer program

If you are a serious endurance athlete and you are currently not addressing the elements of success then you are missing key parts of the equation. At B-WELL|DAILY, Coach Brad believes the elements of success lie in the following areas: 

  • A long term vision supported by goal development, an annual training plan based on short term and long term goals.

  • A nutrition program supporting sport and daily life.

  • A strength and conditioning program born from the annual training plan.

  • An endurance program born from the annual training plan designed to peak for key races. 

  • Proper rest and recovery.

This offering is for the endurance athlete looking to be their best, whether a competitive age group athlete or an aspiring professional. 

As coach and athlete we will collaborate on decision making in an effort to create the best plan for your success.


Full Train program detail:


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